Friday, January 27, 2012

Ray-Ban Original Wayfarer 11163Q Square Sunglasses,Top White Texture London,50 mm

Ray-Ban Original Wayfarer 11163Q Square Sunglasses,Top White Texture London,50 mm

Shock Sale Ray-Ban Original Wayfarer 11163Q Square Sunglasses,Top White Texture London,50 mm very cheapYou looking to find the "Ray-Ban Original Wayfarer 11163Q Square Sunglasses,Top White Texture London,50 mm" Good news! You can purchase Ray-Ban Original Wayfarer 11163Q Square Sunglasses,Top White Texture London,50 mm with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Ray-Ban Original Wayfarer 11163Q Square Sunglasses,Top White Texture London,50 mm On Sale

Price: $139.95    Updated Price for Ray-Ban Original Wayfarer 11163Q Square Sunglasses,Top White Texture London,50 mm now
Purchase Ray-Ban Original Wayfarer 11163Q Square Sunglasses,Top White Texture London,50 mm low price

Product Feature

  • Protective Case included
  • Lenses are prescription ready (Rx-able)
  • Item comes in different colored case packs

Product Description

Ray-Ban Original Wayfarer is the world's best known eyewear brand and is a global leader in its sector. All models in the Ray-Ban Original Wayfarer collection are products of meticulous, original styling that translate the best of the latest fashion trends into an ever-contemporary look for millions of Ray-Ban Original Wayfarer wearers around the world.

Ray-Ban brings a modern twist to a classic style with fresh colors and lens tints. The Original Wayfarer offers options for everyone - whether you're a sneaker-collecting hipster, or you've just been wearing these for 20+ years. Ray-Ban's legendary reputation for optical quality was built on these shades - there's a reason the Wayfarer is one of the most-copied sunglass designs of all time.

  • RB2140 Men's Sunglasses from Ray-Ban Original Wayfarer
  • Lifestyle Sunglasses from Ray-Ban Original Wayfarer
  • Ray-Ban Original Wayfarer branded sunglasses, eyewear

Ray-Ban Original Wayfarer 11163Q Square Sunglasses,Top White Texture London,50 mm Review

I wanted a pair of sunglasses for college football and I already had a black original pair of wayfarers. I went with the white for a variety and was skeptical about buying from a secondary source of sunglasses.

They arrived promptly and have all the dimensions, logos, and etched initials in the lenses, so I know they're real and they came cheaper.

My only thing is that I have a big head, so colors other than black make my face look smaller. Also, the lenses and the bridge arch into a V shape in the front, and once again, it's more noticeable with colors.

Definitely worth it for me to write a review. I was wondering in the same boat as many of you.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Ray-Ban Original Wayfarer 11163Q Square Sunglasses,Top White Texture London,50 mm" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Ray-Ban Original Wayfarer 11163Q Square Sunglasses,Top White Texture London,50 mm ...

Buy Ray-Ban Original Wayfarer 11163Q Square Sunglasses,Top White Texture London,50 mm Cheap

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