Fenix Rehab System Complete Self-Care Kit - Deluxe Model

Product Feature
- Large and stable treatment platform
- 16 interchangeable rubber tipped digits of various sizes.
Product Description
The ultimate way to release your pain-causing muscle knots or trigger points, with innovative special techniques for myofascial pain of the shoulder, back, neck, extremities and fibromyalgia. Large, stable Treatment Platform & 16 interchangeable rubber tipped digits of various sizes, lets you release trigger points or acupressure points anywhere on your body, all while you rest and relax with no pulling or straining.Fenix Rehab System Complete Self-Care Kit - Deluxe Model Review
I don't review products very often. But this one must be reviews and people need to spread the word. People NEED this. (The perfect combination is this system with the book The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook: Your Self-Treatment Guide for Pain Relief, Second Edition by Claire Davies. That book gets 4.5 stars average out of 292 reviews - almost unheard of for a book of this type. It's a MUST HAVE for anyone going to start on trigger point therapy.)First off, this is definitely a must have as well. The combination of the book above, the Fenix system, and a cane for certain spots is all that's needed for most people to nix their pain.
My mom suffers from thoracic outlet syndrome and after researching the condition thoroughly and concluding trigger point therapy would be the absolute best thing for her and represent the best chance of "curing" the condition and keeping it gone. So, I bought the Fenix Rehab System for her for Christmas. My mother is one who would have time to learn how to use this on her own, but she would claim that "she just doesn't have time" (SURE, mom.) so I knew I would not only have to learn how to use it myself, but teach her EXACTLY how to use it for her own condition. Fortunately for her, but unfortunately for me, this became a necessity anyway as I've recently become the recipient of a nasty pinched nerve, and hopefully not something worse. Chiropractic and stretching / ice / ibuprofen / etc. has not helped much at all. This seems ideal for me as well, so by Christmas hopefully I'll be a pro.
The system is very nice and well worth the price even though it is nearly five times the cost of a "cane" type tool for treating trigger points. This allows you to relax and lay down rather than using your muscles with the cheaper cane tool to find the trigger points and apply pressure. The canes are excellent, effective tools (just witness the Amazon reviews) but not when compared head to head with the Fenix board. Considering that it allows you to lie down and relax while treating each pressure point, and the fact that it comes with a pretty good DVD and a good book as well, it's head and shoulders above a cane tool and a bargain even when compared to the cane tool. Rather than having to use a cane device, this board and the pegs are extremely convenient and allow one to relax completely while treating and releasing trigger points. I can't say enough good things about this system.
The only thing I would recommend that Dr. Fors change (but I wouldn't dock from 5 stars for this) is that despite the fact that the assistant on the video is quite fit and beautiful, I would shoot another video using a super lean male athlete simply because a male assistant would not have to wear a shirt, and this would allow people to see much more clearly where each potential trigger point is at in a given area. Provided the male athlete had no body hair or shaved skin, lol. Using a male athlete would allow you to take some shirtless close ups of each area to include in the video with colored sticky dots attached to each specific area where potential trigger points could be. Also, using an extremely lean male athlete with serious muscle definition would allow viewers to even see each area apart from other areas due to the muscle definition, thereby gaining even BETTER insight of what exact area they are trying to treat down to the centimeter. RATHER THAN RESHOOTING THE VIDEO THOUGH, you could simply post pictures on your web site of the athlete with the sticky dots in each particular area, making sure each photo can be clicked to enlarge to a size to fill the entire screen of any monitor size. This would be far, far more useful in my opinion than illustrations or small photos where the person has a shirt on. I suggest both video and photos though. It will only serve to increase your sales and hopefully get the product into as many hands as possible.
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