Thursday, February 28, 2013

Power One Pocketcharger

Power One Pocketcharger

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Power One Pocketcharger On Sale

Price: $124.69    Updated Price for Power One Pocketcharger now
Purchase Power One Pocketcharger low price

Product Feature

  • Suitable for charging one or two power one ACCU plus rechargeable hearing aid batteries.
  • Can charge size 10, 13 and 312.
  • Recharge takes only 2.5 hours.

Product Description

The system power one pocketcharger is suitable for charging one or two power one ACCU plus rechargeable hearing aid batteries.Batteries of sizes p 13 accu, p 312 accu or p 10 accu can also be charged by selecting the appropriate battery compartment insert. The different inserts are included with the charger.The pocketcharger is powered by a rechargeable lithium polymer battery and requires no electrical outlet.Empty cells can be recharged in only 2.5 hours, depending on their type. A safety function, the refreshing protection, first discharges partly charged batteries to prolong their service life.For example with a charged lithium polymer battery you can charge a power one ACCU plus type p 13 accu 18 times before the lithium polymer battery needs to be recharged.

Power One Pocketcharger Review

This is a very handy charger that allows me to use only 2 sets of rechargeable batteries to power my hearing aids. The charger has it's own internal battery which allows you to charge two batteries when you are not near a power source. That said, the charger itself uses a usb plug for its power, so any computer or power brick that you have can serve as the main power source for the charger. The charger does come with a transformer that provides 1 usb port. When the charger is plugged in it will charge the onboard battery and 2 hearing aid batteries at the same time. Separate status lights provide individual status regarding the ongoing charge for the main battery and each of the hearing aid batteries.

My hearing aids use 312 type batteries, which can reportedly be charged 1000 times each. Using throw away batteries I get about 3 days use. Whereas my rechargeables will on average last me 1 full day; occasionally if the environment is really working the hearing aids the batteries will give out an hour or so earlier. I just put the depleted batteries in the charger and drop the spare pair in.

The charger is "smart", and will analyze the charge state of the batteries and determine the best charging strategy that should be used for each battery. It will top off a cell that only needs to be topped off, and will fully discharge batteries that are mostly discharged. Fully discharged batteries start charging right away.

I do have some difficulty getting my hearing aids to start, sometimes when using the rechargable batteries, and this might be frustrating for some. The cause of the difficulty isnt clear, but gently squeezing the battery door for a few seconds gets the units to start. Speculation is that the batteries are either a slightly smaller diameter, or are unable to consistently provide initial surge-level voltages during the aid's power-up. Sometimes if the aids are jostled they will reboot. This appears to be an issue involving my particular hearing aids and the brand of batteries (Forza/OnePower) and is not an issue of the charger.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Power One Pocketcharger" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Power One Pocketcharger ...

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