Friday, April 8, 2011

Mangasm Electro World's First E-Stim Electrosex Male Prostate Stimulator

Mangasm Electro World's First E-Stim Electrosex Male Prostate Stimulator

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Mangasm Electro World's First E-Stim Electrosex Male Prostate Stimulator On Sale

Price: $112.95   Updated Price for Mangasm Electro World's First E-Stim Electrosex Male Prostate Stimulator now
Purchase Mangasm Electro World's First E-Stim Electrosex Male Prostate Stimulator low price

Product Feature

  • World's Only E-Stim Prostate Stimulator
  • Take Prostate Stimulation To The Next Level
  • Try Prostate Milking For Your First Time
  • Safe Non-Toxic Materials & Easy To Clean

Product Description

The Mangasm Electro is the world's first e-stim prostate stimulator that is simple for every man to use. Cycle through 12 levels of intensity and several different modes to learn the shocking truth about the next level of prostate stimulation. Prostate milking can be achieved through practice with this toy.

Mangasm Electro World's First E-Stim Electrosex Male Prostate Stimulator Review

While this is a good start to getting into the world of male e-stimulation, this product has its shortcomings as well as benefits.

1. There are no directions for the power box. None. You basically stick a bi-polar electrode up your butt and randomly push buttons until it either feels good or you yell "Oh sweet Jesus" and frantically try to turn the power box off (difficult when in the middle of adjusting settings) or you simply yank the cord out of the power box (easiest way) or yank the electrode out of your butt (messiest way).

2. Once you understand the power box it's actually quite enjoyable. If you're looking for a hands-free orgasm then this device doesn't generate enough power to cause that. The electrode may easily do that with a more powerful power box, like the E-Stimsystems 2B or the ET312, but this little $20 box from China won't come close (no pun intended).

3. The electrode inserts almost effortlessly and stays in place quite well. The design makes it more conducive to masturbating in any position other than sitting upright, which can get a little dicey with the extended "handle".

4. The 2.5mm cable doesn't seat very well into the electrode - be VERY careful that it doesn't fall out and you end up having current from the power box hitting your ass crack. It feels like a bee stinging you with hot, molten lava, and unless you're into that sort of thing I really can't recommend it. A more powerful power box might not be a good idea if you can't keep the cord seated correctly.

5. I have spoken with one of the designers at E-stimsystems and he feels this electrode should work perfectly well with their 2B. I intend on purchasing one soon (currently $399) to test it out with some of their own bipolar electrodes.

All in all this is a great little device to learn with. It makes masturbation MUCH more pleasurable and I believe it increases force of ejaculation since it is essentially causing the muscles to get a workout every time you use it. I have no idea how this would work with a female but I'm willing to give it a shot and find out as soon as my girlfriend stops giving me the evil eye for suggesting it.

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Buy Mangasm Electro World's First E-Stim Electrosex Male Prostate Stimulator Cheap

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