Monday, July 2, 2012

Prafo 650 Custom AFO

Prafo 650 Custom AFO

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Prafo 650 Custom AFO On Sale

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Product Description

The PRAFO 650 Boot is the totally adjustable, custom-fitted AFO that can help manage many of the ankle/foot anomalies your patients present to you. More than just positive heel suspension, the PRAFO boot also offers many adjustable features.Its custom-contoured aluminum heel connector bar helps to control dorsiplantar flexion by allowing infinite, measurable adjustments. The Prafo 650 Custom AFO is ergonomically designed foot plate allows its Kodel liner to be changed easily without tools. Its integral, securely fastened Vibram walking base provides a shoe-type surface for ambulatory patients. Its calf and foot segments can be custom-modified to accommodate patient physiology. Its anti-rotation bar is made of malleable aluminum and adjusts to control unwanted extremity rotation.The video below reviews the PRAFO features and benefits.The video below reviews the PRAFO patient indications.

Prafo 650 Custom AFO Review

It is my understanding that the PRAFO boots are an industry standard boot for dealing with heel injuries. However, they are not for walking. My father had a bedsore on his heel and needed a boot for walking. What follows is my review of the GloboPed Mobil Heel Refief Shoe by Bauerfeind, which is recommended for walking with a heel ulcer:

The `GloboPed Heel Relief Orthosis Medium M 5-8, W 10.5-13 by Bauerfeind is the best boot so far for walking with a bedsore on the heel, per my father.

My father had a total right hip replacement at age 92. While recovering in a nursing home rehab facility he developed a pressure ulcer (bedsore) on his heel. Evidently in order to heal the ulcer it is necessary both to treat it with medications and to keep pressure off the heel. We were told it will never heal if pressure (weight) is not kept off the heel.

1. Relieving pressure when sleeping:
While sleeping my father was able to relieve the pressure on his heel by: (a) wearing what is known as a PRAFO brand boot (or equivalent) (Prafo 650 Custom AFO); (b) by scooting down in the bed and dangling his heels over the end of the bed; or (c) by supporting his lower legs with a thick pillow to raise the heel off the bed. All these methods seemed to work well while sleeping. Mostly he chose to dangle his heels off the end of the bed.
Note also that the shoe being reviewed here, the GloboPed Mobil by Bauerfiend could also be used effectively in bed.

2. Relieving pressure when walking or sitting:
Unfortunately the PRAFO type boots are not meant for walking, but are recommended only for use in bed. And walking barefoot or in shoes puts pressure on the heel. And no one, whether physical therapist, nurse or doctor, seemed to have the proper solution for walking.
In desperation my father used the PRAFO boot for walking, which he hated, and was potentially dangerous. Later a boot by Darco was recommended (Heel Wedge Healing Shoe Size: Large). This was more stable than the PRAFO but still does not relief pressure totally.
Finally an orthopedist at Comfort Wear in Cleveland, Ohio, ordered the GloboPed Mobil boot by Bauerfeind. It is the best solution so far, according to my father. It makes walking much easier and seems to relieve pressure from the heel almost completely. It is much less cumbersome than a PRAFO type boot and is designed specifically for walking.

Please note that there are several different models in the GloboPed series of shoes. The one I'm referring to is formally known as the "GloboPed Mobil."

I strongly recommend the "GloboPed Mobil" Heel Relief Shoe by Bauerfeind to relieve pressure on the heel while walking.


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