Dr. hulda R. Clark Zapper As Per Her Specifications, A-6 Parasite Zapper /30khz As Used in Her Clinic. Ajustable Straps, With Life Time Warranty

Product Feature
- All Living Organisms Have An Electromagnetic Resonance Field (Dr Clark names this phenomenon "bioradiation"). They claimed that attacking those micro-organisms at the right frequency destroys them.
- Desgined for long term zapping with convenient wrist traps you can use it during work or driving up to 6 hrs easly and with comfort . Dare to try these new ideas and your illness promises to recede. In a few weeks it can be gone• Alzheimer• Anemia• Arthritis• Asthma • Coma • Diabetes • Heart disease • Hepatitis C • Herpes • Kidney failure• Liver failure • MS. Allergies are due to a disabled liver, extreme allergies are due to an extremely disabled liver. This is the case for persons suffering from "universal" allergies, namely "everything", like the lacquer on floors, plastic chairs, the neighbor's flowers, and the grocery store.The Zapper is a device invented by Dr. Clark. It kills parasites, bacteria, viruses, molds and fungi electrically. Viruses and bacteria disappear in three minutes; tapeworm stages, flukes, roundworms in five; and mites in seven. A battery-operated, positive offset with a very low voltage from 4 to 10 volts is sufficient. It kills parasites and bacteria wherever the current reaches them. But it does not reach the eyes, the appendix, the testes, the inner ear bones. The current travels along the stomach or intestinal wall, not through its content. It does not reach into the gallstones or into the living cells.
- In most circumstances the A-6's current cannot be felt, but everyone has diferent variables when it comes to zapping, if there are inflammations on the body, the current can be felt more in that area because the inflammation's negative charge pulls more to the zapper's positive current.Just what are these claims that Dr. Clark makes? Dr. Clark claims that much of our bad health comes from chemicals and toxins that we are subjected to on a daily basis. Among these chemicals are mercury from amalgam dental fillings and isopropyl alcohol from cleaning products and many others. She also claims that in addition to these chemicals that there are many parasites that invade our bodies and cause illness. Her solution to the problem of health is to eliminate these foreign contaminations. Remove unwanted metals and chemicals from your body, eliminate disease causing parasites, drink water to keep your body cleaned out, eat proper chemical free and parasite free foods for nutrition,and Zap. What could be simpler than a clean healthy diet and a clean healthy environment
- Zapping sessions require at least a regiment of three- 7 to 45 minute sessions with a 20 minute rest between each 7 to 45 minute interval. The A-6 can be used up 8 hour but use a minimum of the 3 intervals is required. In Clinical studies it has determend that some patients require longer time per session 45 minute on 20 minute rest to show results.The zapper is a device invented by Dr. Clark. It kills parasites, bacteria, viruses, molds and fungi electrically. Viruses and bacteria disappear in three minutes; tapeworm stages, flukes, roundworms in five; and mites in seven. A battery-operated, positive offset with a very low voltage from 4 to 10 volts is sufficient. It kills parasites and bacteria wherever the current reaches them. But it does not reach the eyes, the appendix, the testes, the inner ear bones. The current travels along the stomach or intestinal wall, not through its content. It does not reach into the gallstones or into the living cells. The current does not pass uniformly through the body. With regular zapping, the current passes mainly through our liquids, i. e our lymphatic and vascular system, a small fraction reaches every organ and tissue of our body. Blood and lymph are the most important locations to zap
- Dr. Clark's studies show that all diseases are caused by bacteria and microbes. The zapper kills all bacteria and microbes.Benefits of zapping The removal of parasites, bacteria, viruses, and fungus.Parasitic Diseases Parasites range in size from tiny, one-celled organisms called protozoa to worms that can be seen with the naked eye. Some parasitic diseases happen in the United States. Contaminated water supplies can lead to Giardia infections. Cats can transmit toxoplasmosis, which is dangerous for pregnant women.Regular zapping is frequency-INDEPENDENT.Our intestines harbour many bacteria, the so called "good" and "bad" bacteria, is there not a risk of killing the "good" bacteria together with the "bad" bacteria when we zap?
- The Ancients knew, a long time ago, that receiving an electric shock following contact with an electric eel had a very valuable curative effectPersons with an inflammation in the body can often "feel" the Zapper at that location, suggesting it is a path of low resistance, too, for the 30 KHz Zapper current. Inflamed areas are negatively charged regions. Negative charges would be pulled toward the positive electrode of the Zapper in 30,000 little jerks per second.The removal of parasites, bacteria, viruses, and fungus .
- Not very long ago, An Austrailian Farmer, after accidentily zapping himself by leaning into an electric fence, noticed that the Ross-River Virus he had been infected with for several months had disappeared. After being told about that strange occurrence, one of his farmer friends -a sufferer as well, intrigued, repeated the experiment and got well as a resultAny current ranging from 1 to 30,000Hz . 4.5 Volts @ 30 KHz has proved to be the most comfortable frequency for long term use with no skin irritation..
- The zapper builds your immune system so you will never be sick again after you continuously zap weekly.The liver is a versatile organ. It can regenerate itself but it won't if food molds block regeneration. Given half a chance it will become like new. After killing parasites do the liver cleanse. If it has been a month or more since you killed parasites, then go on a high dose parasite herb treatment the week before, or zap. Don't the herbs the day of the cleanse. With one major allergy gone after each cleanse and by timing liver cleanses two weeks apart, it takes only six months to have a reasonably normal life again. You can endure indoor air again, sit on plastic chairs, read newspapers, wear cotton clothing and leather shoes without reacting. You must still be patient and careful as you take back the world for you to live in.Parasites can be killed with a very low voltage. But only if the voltage is 100% POSITIVE OFFSET and if the voltage is varied up and down repeatedly. If the varying voltage becomes NEGATIVE, even momentarily, it supports and maintains their lives. The above picture of the Zapper output on an oscilloscope illustrates the varied square wave voltage which stops at 0.25 Volt and therefore does not go below the 0 volt.According to research of Dr. Clark when a high frequency ac voltage was applied to a human, using hand electrodes, and the current flow measured, it could be seen that the higher the frequency, the greater the current. At about 30,000 cycles per second the current begins to decline, showing the resistance is increasing. Persons with an inflammation in the body can often "feel" the zapper at that location, suggesting it is a path of low resistance, too, for the 30 KHz zapper current. Inflamed areas are negatively charged regions. Negative charges would be pulled toward the positive electrode of the zapper in 30,000 little jerks per second. Therefore a frequency of about 30 KHz (30,000 cycles per second) was chosen for the zapper.
Product Description
The zapper is a device invented by Dr. Hulda Clark. It kills parasites, bacteria, virueses, and fungi electrically. Viruses and bacteria disappear in three minutes; tapeworm stages; flukes and roundworms in 5 minutes. Mites die in 7 minutes. A battery-operated, positive offset with a very low voltage from 4 to 10 volts is sufficient. It kills parasites and bacteria wherever the current reaches them. With regular zapping the current passes mainly through bodily liquids; mostly our lymphatic and vascular system,Dr. hulda R. Clark Zapper As Per Her Specifications, A-6 Parasite Zapper /30khz As Used in Her Clinic. Ajustable Straps, With Life Time Warranty Review
I ordered this because I was feeling tired all the time. Looking at chronic fatigue syndrome, many sites suggested that this might be due to parasites. So I thought I'd try it. It's hard to find "proof" whether it actually works or not, but looking at the various "Hulda Clark Zappers" feedback on Amazon would lead one to believe that it does. My experience and bear in mind that I've only been using it two days would indicate that it might just. Because of my suspected parasite infection because of my brain-fog and tiredness I started taking a colon flush I picked up at Walmart that contained green walnut hulls, slippery elm bark, wormwood and a variety of other items before I got the zapper. My reaction to that was sort of a mild flu like reaction and more tiredness. If I did have parasites this might make sense, because when they die supposedly they release toxins. I never saw any evidence of parasites, but realized that this reaction might be that and I did a coffee enema, which supposedly energizes the liver to function more effectively and it reduced the flu like symptoms significantly.When I got this I slapped it on my wrists for an hour, but honestly couldn't tell if it did anything or not. But my problem was being tired, so i thought, my head's tired, not my wrists, so I slipped the electrodes under a hat on my temples for another hour. It did something, my nose was running and I started coughing up phlegm, I'm a smoker, so that is not all that unusual, but I thought this maybe shouldn't be used this way, and went to bed. This morning, I had no congestion, my sinuses were amazingly clear and I've started waking up about 20 minutes before the alarm goes off. The flu like symptoms are mostly gone and the tiredness is going away. I got a lot more done today than usual. I think it works, don't think it hurts anything and what the heck, it costs less than one doctors office visit before drugs with all their side effects. I definitely feel more energized after using it only a couple of days. If that continues it's well worth the small price tag.
I also ordered a parasite cleanse, some diatomacious earth and some oregano oil capsules. If it was parasites that were making me tired I'll save enough on energy drinks in a month or two to cover the costs of my experimenting.
An update: Hulda Clark's work was an outgrowth of Royal Rife's work on rife machines. Mainstream medicine's proponents would like you to believe this is all horsepuckey. However, I'm certain it is valid and deserves greater investigation. The zapper is much cheaper than a rife machine and the wave structure supposedly increases the number of things it is useful for, which are the reasons I bought a zapper.
For the skeptics of electricity's effectiveness, I found this video very enlightening. It's a Ted talk about treating cancer with electric fields and explains how the device they discuss - which is under trial in Sweden - works for disrupting cancers cell division with low intensity electric field. It is worth watching. The company developing this therapy is Novocure.
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