Elasto-gel Hypothermia Mitts for nail loss onycholysis

Product Feature
- This listing is for ONE PAIR (2 Mittens)
- Therapy Mitts: 1 pair gel mitts and 10 disposable liners
Product Description
Clinical Studies have shown Elasto-Gel Hypothermia Gloves and Slippers aid in the reduction of onycholysis (nail loss) and skin toxicity in patients undergoing chemotherapy- Journal of clinical Oncology - July 1, 2005 If yourchemotherapy treatment is longer than 45 minutes, we strongly recommendyou purchase a minimum of 2 pair of gloves!Therapy Mitts: 1 pair gel mitts and 10 disposable linersElasto-gel Hypothermia Mitts for nail loss onycholysis Review
Elasto gel Hypothermia gloves are used to manage nail and skin toxicity during chemotherapy, especially for treatment regiments that include taxotere/docetaxel. The efficacy of the gloves is supported by a clinical study from Scotte and colleagues published in 2005 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, volume 23, pages 4424-4429. The underlying principle is that cooling of the hands will slow down blood circulation to the nail, reduce the amount of chemotherapy drug in the area, and thus minimise nail toxicity. It remains to be seen if the gloves also reduce the incidence of hand-and-foot syndrome. The gloves work well for most patients, but not for all patients. The gloves should not be used in patients with Raynaud's disease, distal metastasis or distal arteriopathy. Please discuss with your oncologist beforehand.The gloves must be placed in a freezer (-20oC to -30oC) at least a day before use. We transported them on ice packs in a cooler until reaching the clinic and kept them in the cooler until the start of the chemotherapy session. The gloves should be placed on the hands 15-30 minutes before administration of the chemotherapy drug(s) and kept on for at least 20 minutes after the end of treatment. One pair of gloves will keep the hands cool for about 45 minutes. Therefore, more than one pair is needed for treatments that last longer than 30 minutes. Some patients warm up the gloves faster than others. We used 2-3 pairs for treatment regiments lasting 90 minutes. We speculate that removing the gloves or letting them get warm during treatment may actually increase nail toxicity, but this needs to be confirmed. A test run a few days before the first chemotherapy cycle is advisable in order to assess tolerance to the cooling effects of the gloves. Patients suffering from arthritis or gout may have difficulty to tolerate the gloves. Use of the gloves is somewhat uncomfortable for most patients, but is tolerable. The gloves themselves are soft and flexible and did not cause any damage to skin or nails. Drinking from a glass is difficult with the gloves and using a straw makes things easier.
The gloves are well made but are a bit expensive, especially if you need more than one pair and if used in combination with Elasto gel Hypothermia cooling slippers. One way around this is to ask for a donation from friends, family and/or co-workers instead of receiving flowers, chocolate, or other useless gifts.
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