Thursday, September 29, 2011

Welch Allyn PocketScope Otoscope w/ Throat Illuminator, Head Only, 1/Ea, 21111

Welch Allyn PocketScope Otoscope w/ Throat Illuminator, Head Only, 1/Ea, 21111

Shock Sale Welch Allyn PocketScope Otoscope w/ Throat Illuminator, Head Only, 1/Ea, 21111 very cheapYou looking to find the "Welch Allyn PocketScope Otoscope w/ Throat Illuminator, Head Only, 1/Ea, 21111" Good news! You can purchase Welch Allyn PocketScope Otoscope w/ Throat Illuminator, Head Only, 1/Ea, 21111 with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Welch Allyn PocketScope Otoscope w/ Throat Illuminator, Head Only, 1/Ea, 21111 On Sale

Price: $118.11 $111.07   Updated Price for Welch Allyn PocketScope Otoscope w/ Throat Illuminator, Head Only, 1/Ea, 21111 now
Purchase Welch Allyn PocketScope Otoscope w/ Throat Illuminator, Head Only, 1/Ea, 21111 low price

Product Feature

  • Welch Allyn PocketScope Otoscope
  • w/ Throat Illuminator
  • Head Only
  • 1 Each
  • 21111

Product Description

-Halogen light for true tissue color and consistent, long-lasting illumination-Simply detach the otoscope head to use the throat illuminator or all-purpose penlight-Fiber optics provide cool light with no reflections or obstructions-Wide-angle viewing lens allows for instrumentation under magnification-Sealed system for pneumatic otoscopy

Welch Allyn PocketScope Otoscope w/ Throat Illuminator, Head Only, 1/Ea, 21111 Review

Nothing fancy.. its the bare minimum of a Welch Allyn otoscope that you will need to effectively look at ears, and I'm a doctor. IOf course you will need batteries. Highly recommended.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Welch Allyn PocketScope Otoscope w/ Throat Illuminator, Head Only, 1/Ea, 21111" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Welch Allyn PocketScope Otoscope w/ Throat Illuminator, Head Only, 1/Ea, 21111 ...

Buy Welch Allyn PocketScope Otoscope w/ Throat Illuminator, Head Only, 1/Ea, 21111 Cheap

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