Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Pride BATLIQ1018 12V 55Ah Sealed AGM Battery Group 22NF

Pride BATLIQ1018 12V 55Ah Sealed AGM Battery Group 22NF

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Pride BATLIQ1018 12V 55Ah Sealed AGM Battery Group 22NF On Sale

Price: $134.41 $117.28   Updated Price for Pride BATLIQ1018 12V 55Ah Sealed AGM Battery Group 22NF now
Purchase Pride BATLIQ1018 12V 55Ah Sealed AGM Battery Group 22NF low price

Product Feature

  • Pride BATLIQ1018 12V 55Ah Sealed AGM Battery Group 22NF

Product Description

Pride BATLIQ1018 12V 55Ah Sealed AGM Battery Group 22NF

Pride BATLIQ1018 12V 55Ah Sealed AGM Battery Group 22NF Review

I have never contacted a seller before the product was delivered, but in this case i felt i had to, and did...allow me to explain...
The batteries in my power chair died fairly quickly, over the span of a couple of weeks (actually, more like a matter of days -- you know the old saying, "Murphy's Law", e.g., "poop occurs, at the worst possible moment"), with an impending out-of-state medical trip in less than two weeks. No one in town had these batteries in stock, and even if they had, the price i was quoted -- with a back order time of "weeks" -- was no where near as good as what i ended up paying. AND, i would have had to arrange to have them picked up, instead of being delivered directly to my door. I ordered the batteries -- with an estimated delivery date which was anywhere from a week before, to just one day before the out-of-state medical trip. I then sent the seller a message, explaining my situation, to let them know i needed the batteries as soon as humanly possible, and i got an almost immediate response, ON A SUNDAY! As if that isn't surprising enough, they got the batteries to me in 4 days! (sent first thing Monday morning, as per the return message i received, and received the batteries on Thursday, a full week before the out-of-state medical trip...phew!). Don't forget to take into account that two AGM 12550 batteries are VERY HEAVY (as most batteries are), and that i needed to run them through a few "charge/discharge cycles" to give the batteries a proper "break-in period", and also that i'm sure i'm not the first person who had their batteries die so quickly,..and i certainly cannot be the first to request expedited delivery in a hurried situation (which, i may add, was accomplished at NO ADDITIONAL COST, even though i had told them that i expected, and would accept, any additional delivery fees, within reason, because of my expedited delivery request). With all that said, i have only one thing left to say...THANK YOU VERY MUCH! and you have ALL my future battery business, and my FULL RECOMMENDATION, ANYTIME ANYONE NEEDS BATTERIES! (ok, that was more than one thing, but you get the drift...I am VERY PLEASED WITH THE SERVICE RECEIVED! Again, THANK YOU!:o)

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