Monday, October 10, 2011

Respironics Tucker Sling Flannel Style, Fits Crib Matress, Infant 6-16 lbs

Respironics Tucker Sling Flannel Style, Fits Crib Matress, Infant 6-16 lbs

Shock Sale Respironics Tucker Sling Flannel Style, Fits Crib Matress, Infant 6-16 lbs very cheapYou looking to find the "Respironics Tucker Sling Flannel Style, Fits Crib Matress, Infant 6-16 lbs" Good news! You can purchase Respironics Tucker Sling Flannel Style, Fits Crib Matress, Infant 6-16 lbs with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Respironics Tucker Sling Flannel Style, Fits Crib Matress, Infant 6-16 lbs On Sale

Price: $101.09    Updated Price for Respironics Tucker Sling Flannel Style, Fits Crib Matress, Infant 6-16 lbs now
Purchase Respironics Tucker Sling Flannel Style, Fits Crib Matress, Infant 6-16 lbs low price

Product Feature

  • Description indicates size of mattress and weight of baby.

Product Description

Tucker Sling-For Babies Who Need Elevation- Crib Matress, 6-16 lbs Baby. The Tucker Sling is a one-piece support system for babies who need to be in elevated positions. The sling attaches to the mattress or wedge like a fitted sheet and the baby is held firmly in place with adjustable, easy-to-release straps. The Tucker Sling may be used for babies with GER/acid reflux or respiratory problems. Description indicates size of mattress and weight of baby. The optional foam wedge can be used under a crib mattress to assist in elevating the baby. The product referenced on this detail page is sold be Each.

Respironics Tucker Sling Flannel Style, Fits Crib Matress, Infant 6-16 lbs Review

My little guy never slept for more than 2 hours at a time before the Tucker sling. He would reflux in his sleep and wake up screaming. It was a nightmare for the first 8 weeks of his life. I tried putting a wedge under his mattress to elevate him but he would just slide down. Then I found out about the Tucker sling and everything changed. I bought the wedge and sling from the actual tucker sling website. From the first time I put him in the sling at about 2 months old, he slept for 4 hours (which was a miracle). And every night after that, he slept longer and longer. when he was about 4 months old, we had to buy another sling in a larger size and I opted for the kind that slips over the crib mattress (I thought this would give him extra room) and I just put the wedge under the crib mattress to elevate it. Worked like a charm. Finally at about 5 months old, i was able to put him to sleep normally in his crib.

Note: the wedge also works in a pack n play so I always took it to my parents' house with no problem.

The only issue I ever had was when I had to put my baby back in the sling after nursing in the middle of the night. He would always fall asleep nursing and it was hard to get him back in the sling without waking him up. I would always have to adjust the velcro and it would make a loud sound. But there's really no solution to that and my baby would go right back to sleep anyways.

I'm expecting again now and I will definitely use the sling again with my new baby if he has reflux too.

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Buy Respironics Tucker Sling Flannel Style, Fits Crib Matress, Infant 6-16 lbs Cheap

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