Sunday, April 14, 2013

BLS Medical Supplies Module by Rescue Essentials

BLS Medical Supplies Module by Rescue Essentials

Shock Sale BLS Medical Supplies Module by Rescue Essentials very cheapYou looking to find the "BLS Medical Supplies Module by Rescue Essentials" Good news! You can purchase BLS Medical Supplies Module by Rescue Essentials with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

BLS Medical Supplies Module by Rescue Essentials On Sale

Price: $109.00    Updated Price for BLS Medical Supplies Module by Rescue Essentials now
Purchase BLS Medical Supplies Module by Rescue Essentials low price

Product Feature

  • The BLS Supplies Module is a select list of items required by BLS providers.
  • Addresses a broad spectrum of possible injuries and ailments, providing for an array of possible treatment options.
  • You have the freedom to find & choose the bag right for you. Maybe you already have one, and just need contents.
  • Contents List Below

Product Description

Contents:1 CPR- Pocket Mask,16 1 X 3 Adhesive Strips,6 2 X 4 Adhesive Bandage,10 4 X 4 Gauze Pads - 12 ply,2 Emergency Pressure Dressing,2 3" Conforming Gauze,10 BZK Wipes,5 Antimicrobial Hand Wipes,1 1" X 10yds Cloth Tape,2 3" Elastic Bandage,1 3" Black Cohesive Wrap,2 Triangular Bandage,4 Eye Pads,10 Antibiotic Ointment Unit Dose,4 Cotton Swab,1 4 X 4 WaterJel Burn Dressing,1 Survival Blanket,6 Nitrile Gloves (L),1 Eyewash,1 SAM Splint (36"),1 SHEARS/EMT 7.5" BLK,1 Penlight,2 Cold Pack,1 Trauma Dressing,2 5 x 9 ABD Pad,2 4.5" Fluff Dressing,6 Iodine Prep Pad Wipes,1 Mini Tweezer w/Vial,1 First Aid Instruction Booklet,1 Guedel Airway 100mm,1 Guedel Airway 90mm,1 Nasopharyngeal Airway 28 Fr,1 Xeroform Dressing,5 3 x 3 Gauze Pads ,10 Alcohol Prep Pad Wipes,1 Hand Sanitizer (1.5 oz Tottle),1 Lister Bandage Scissor,1 Hemostat,1 Emergency Blanket (Yellow),1 BP Cuff/Stethoscope1 e-Gear Headlamp1 Knife w/ Window Punch & Belt Cutter

BLS Medical Supplies Module by Rescue Essentials Review

I must say that the kit came with a lot and I wanted something more substantial than a regular first aid kit. I did a lot of research and asked nurses and others about some differing first aid and EMT packs. I with some advice decided on this package. when it arrived it was well packed except for the burn bandage. But after contacting customer service they were very happy to replace any items that were damaged quickly and with no hassle. I would recommend this kits for any disaster/first aid kit especially since it came with some useful tools.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "BLS Medical Supplies Module by Rescue Essentials" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from BLS Medical Supplies Module by Rescue Essentials ...

Buy BLS Medical Supplies Module by Rescue Essentials Cheap

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