Thursday, April 4, 2013

Millennial Medical Crutches - Set of 2, In-Motion Pro Tall (5'7" - 6'10"), Colors May Vary

Millennial Medical Crutches - Set of 2, In-Motion Pro Tall (5'7" - 6'10"), Colors May Vary

Shock Sale Millennial Medical Crutches - Set of 2, In-Motion Pro Tall (5'7You looking to find the "Millennial Medical Crutches - Set of 2, In-Motion Pro Tall (5'7" - 6'10"), Colors May Vary" Good news! You can purchase Millennial Medical Crutches - Set of 2, In-Motion Pro Tall (5'7" - 6'10"), Colors May Vary with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Millennial Medical Crutches - Set of 2, In-Motion Pro Tall (5'7

Price: $109.99 $101.95   Updated Price for Millennial Medical Crutches - Set of 2, In-Motion Pro Tall (5'7
Purchase Millennial Medical Crutches - Set of 2, In-Motion Pro Tall (5'7

Product Feature

  • Absorbs injury causing impact and releases positive energy during use
  • Unique and ergonomic design keeps wrists in natural position
  • The folding feature allows users to conveniently put the crutches out of use and out of the way

Product Description

Millennial In-Motion ProX Tall Crutch: Available in charcoal grey, blue, and red. Get back to recovery faster with the In-Motion Pro Spring Assisted Crutch. Our spring assisted technology absorbs negative impact energy and returns positive energy to aid in user mobility, with no underarm jamming. The crutch is designed to support good posture and the ergonomic hand grips keep the wrist in a natural position, avoiding the “kinking” of the wrist that occurs with traditional crutches. In addition the In-Motion Pro folds to make it the most convenient crutch for travel and storage. With tips that last 35% longer than traditional tips and the strut made from double reinforced aircraft grade aluminum that can support users up to 400lbs, these crutches are made to last. The Tall In-Motion Pro sizing is as follows – Floor to Underarm Cradle height adjusts from 50” to 62.5” with 13 different height positions. The handles also adjust from 14” to 21” below the cradle with 5 different positions. Standing upright with good posture, hands to the side, measure from the floor to the underarm. Using this measurement look at the range of cradle heights and be certain the measurement is within the range of this crutch.

Millennial Medical Crutches - Set of 2, In-Motion Pro Tall (5'7" - 6'10"), Colors May Vary Review

The original review stands save one thing not known at that time. Amazon stocks old product and I found that out after going to the manufacture to say why did these handles fall off? you have an issue... first question was did you buy from amazon? They knew exactly what the problem was and it had been fixed for some time. Handle design was completely changed because after months of wear they fall off... not an issue for short term uses... so you can save the coin here on amazon but if you need cruthces long term buy latest version at Millenum Medical directly... Awesome company... will make good on anything and everything.. never an issue awesome customer support. They have redesigened these for 2013 coming out soon and the cost is going up in feb? 2013 do not know what it will be but they sent out warning emails to customers to buy now if you want to avoid the increase... supposedly fixing some issues.. I have yet to see. They do cost more that these on amazon at old prices but not a lot and shipping is not free from them... but for me ... someone on crutches permanently for daily use for 25+ years now there is no subistitute. These are the best innovation in crutches since metal ones where introduced.

I am a LOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNGGGGG term crutch user over 20 years now and counting. These crutches are EXCELLENT and the cost does not reflect the quality of this product. The quality is similar to the idea we used to say they don't make them like that anymore... well Mellennial does make them with old time quality at today's average crutch cost... with this you are truly getting your money's worth. Over all Quality is VERY VERY GOOD. These crutches are sturdy... and actually have more shaft strength than the traditional aluminum crutch. I can bend those shafts much easier than I could these. IF you are a short time user... don't worry about these... get them... Truth is you are going to hate being on crutches because it is a PAIN period... but these are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than traditional crutches it is worth it... the experience on these will be FAR FAR less exhausting and less frustrating. GO FOR IT.

If you are a long term user like me and you have to be careful about what you trust and need to be concerned about your ability to function in your world with these.. the detailed review below is what I wanted to know before taking the plunge with these.... but I am very glad I did.

Handle... is extremely sturdy and fairly heavy. Normal crutches require padding and fussing with for me... I was concerned about the hard look of these handles... they are softer feeling than they look (its like a smooth slightly cushy bendable without changing shape rubbery feel, but not stick rubber... smooth almost like coated) and I have had no need or desire to pad them... they are perfect feeling as they are not too hard or slippery (unless wet but they wipe off and dry up easily even if you don't have a towel or something you can do it with your hand). The other thing that is REALLY NICE about that is that I can clean these and sanitize these easily... Not possible for traditional crutch handles altered or unaltered... that material is porous and sponge like... this is not and it is very very easy to keep them clean HUGE HUGE improvement.. AND A MUST FOR KIDS OR DD. My regular crutch handles would get NASTY and I would have had to spend a fortune buying new ones to keep them somewhat cleaner.

The handle shape is comfortable but took me a bit of reworking my traditional hand position to get the hang of it and i had some discomfort initially... but I think that was due to me using traditional crutches for so long and so often I had to retrain my learned motor patterns for this new and better handle and hand position. after about a week I was very good with it. There are some significant differences, but they are positive. The weight baring is shifted to the ball of the saddle joint and heel of the palm on the thumb side while the back side (distal side of palm heel) no longer bares any weight. Better but took adjustment for me a long time user. First timers or irregular crutch users should not notice this.

Handle attachment and adjustments. The screw is a SUPPER improvement in ease of getting on and off. Much better than traditional wing nuts that break and crumble with long use.... The screw attachment is very smooth and easily adjusted which I recommend until you find the right combination of handle distance and hight adjustments for you personally. This was greatly appreciated when I was figuring that out and needing to take them out and reposition frequently in the initial week or two of use.

The only bad on the handle is that with EXTENDED (constant daily use to go anywhere) They do start to loosen up. I think that they need a secondary support on the underside. But short term users even if short term and daily will not notice this until about 2 or 3 mons. of use. Unless perhaps the person is very heavy like over 250 -300 that might make it worse sooner... just speculation... This is NOT A DEAL BREAKER though. It is an area of this product that improvement is needed but these crutches are still WAY WAY better than the traditional alternatives.

Height Adjustments on Shaft are just like traditional crutches but higher quality parts on these crutches... they are extremely well made and substantial feeling without extra weight. By far the weight from these crutches resides in the heavy handle because of the design it has to be and if they cost a little more than the traditional crutch in price it is deserved, you won't feel ripped off by these. The crutches have a very cool paint on them that takes that metallic feel of uncovered aluminum shafts that feels like nails on a black board away... they feel more like a bicycle coated paint...not quite that thick and heavy though... it is a very good improvement over the uncoated metal... they are smoother, slicker feeling. They do scratch and scuff, but less noticeable, it doesn't look as tacky when these get scuffed. Also when my traditional crutches got dinged or gouged they would often leave a sharp or rough edge that could actually scrape or even cut you... these have not done that and the scuffs scratches feel smooth and more cosmetic than the deep ones I could get on the old crutches.

The Arm Pads - I was skeptical about these based on the pictures... but I must admit these are far superior to the traditional pad. I have to duck tape material over the traditional crutches pads because it feels a bit better and the pads without a cover of some kind will wear and tear the hell out of my clothes with extended use over time. These crutches require NO ADDITIONAL padding or covers seriously nothing else is needed. They have been easy on my clothing and they are much more comfortable and less bulky feeling. Sometimes I am not sure they are even there. I am noting that they tend to slip away from the front end slightly... not much and you need to work them back up towards that end occasionally with a twisting and pulling motion slow but sure they flush up again. (I'm talking like a 1/4 inch at most.

The one negative to the Arm pads is this... because I am only 5'4 and I felt like I needed to get the short set.... the arm portion (flat bar at top) is smaller than it would be on the large size. I like this most of the time but.... once in a while when I am not paying attention I have had one side slip out backwards on me. This is a bit dangerous as it happens most often when I am leaning forward going down stairs or something.... but I have always caught myself. Minor issue really, but you do need to be mindful of the arm position if you are an adult with the smaller size crutch.

SPRINGS---- WAY WAY COOL.. do not fear this feature... embrace it fully... it is very subtle...after initial wow factor... these are NOT GOING TO CATAPULT you any where but they do ease some of the shock and push off requirements. My shoulders and maybe in the wrists even more feel less tense and I fell like I use less energy on forward propulsion. Here is the acid test. try them going up stairs. put crutches up first one stair then foot up two stairs (if you do this you know what I mean, I have learned over time how to go up stairs with crutches not feet first, this is an advanced skill). The only down to these springs i found was this... after about only one month.... the crutches started to scrap and Grind during the spring part. SCARED me at first.. thought they were defective... thought the spring was going to collapse from over use... it was an irritating feel and sound (NOT like fingernails on black board Far LESS harsh than that and not high pitched) but irritating. I thought maybe I was not being good about the angle... and I still don't know what was going on but it has now three mons later? it has all but stopped...maybe enough metal scrapped off and the groove is worn now but it doesn't do it any more. AND I DO NOT WANT TO GIVE THESE UP ... will never go back to the others NEVER. This issue could have been very serious but... it appears to have corrected itself and it has not compromised the quality or performance of the crutch in any way that I can tell. I am glad it stopped though. I would say if that were to happen call the company... but you can probably ride it out in a short time if you are long time user.

Tips... Supper impressed with their durability. I went through traditional tips every couple of months that metal piece would always ware though the bottom then fall out and I would be walking on the end of the metal tip (plastic covered) and slipping all over the in door floors until I could get a new one? welllllllll these tips are three months old and they look slightly worn on the bottom.... yes slightly like about 10% off original conditions and I AM NOT EASY ON TIPS... I walk all over outside and in all the time every day. I think that spring thing helps with this. Also they are much more multi directional in their surface grip than the traditional tips which get some what hard and brittle over time with age like two - three months. These are supple still... bendy and you can put your crutch on a far lower angle to the floor and expect it to hold its place without slipping I have tried like 60 degree angle estimate and it doesn't budge from the floor spot. I also have noted less slipping in wet conditions... they do slip... but not as bad.

Folding Feature - very very cool to have without in any way compromising the strength of the shaft. I was concerned that feature would cause the shaft to be less sturdy or stable than the non folding shaft. NOT SO.... It is accomplished with a button control just like the ones used for hight adjustments and the two halves are kept attached when folded by thin but strong bungy style cord in side core. EXCELLENTLY engineered. This is not a feature you will want to use every time you sit or get in and out of a car... but when you will be there for a long time or not constantly getting in and out or simply don't have the space this is the coolest thing I've seen in a long time. It is a MUST HAVE OPTION.

Lastly I have also contacted the company. They are real folks and they seem to care about customer service and care... I have not contacted them about problems however so I don' know the company from that angle, but i don't doubt that if something was wrong with these they would make it right one way or another. They have a great product and i am now a lifetime Millennial Crutch user.

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