Monday, April 8, 2013

High Frequency Base Unit * 5' Cord & 4-electrodes

High Frequency Base Unit * 5' Cord & 4-electrodes

Shock Sale High Frequency Base Unit * 5' Cord & 4-electrodes very cheapYou looking to find the "High Frequency Base Unit * 5' Cord & 4-electrodes" Good news! You can purchase High Frequency Base Unit * 5' Cord & 4-electrodes with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

High Frequency Base Unit * 5' Cord & 4-electrodes On Sale

Price: $124.99   Updated Price for High Frequency Base Unit * 5' Cord & 4-electrodes now
Purchase High Frequency Base Unit * 5' Cord & 4-electrodes low price

Product Feature

  • Bluelight HF Model #D-217P * For Women & Men
  • Tones & Sooths Skin * Stimulates Circulation * Portable & Easy to Use
  • Fully Adjustable Power Level
  • Operating frequency is 60HZ, 10.26 wattage, 110V, output current is 0.123A.

Product Description

Using the ultraviolet rays we get the effects of elimination and absorption. It increases glandular activity, stimulates circulation of the blood, plays a germicidal action, increases metabolism, aids in deeper penetration of product into the skin and etc.* Operating frequency is 60HZ, 10.26 wattage, 110V, output current is 0.123A.* Portable & Easy to Use* D-217P High Frequency Machine * Size: L10" x W9" x H4"* The D-217P model System comes equipped* 5 FOOT CORD* (4) ELECTRODES: ** Acne Sparking Electrode - for acne and inflammation** Straight Electrode - provides ultraviolet for restoring healthy skin** Spoon Electrode - for skin treatment in large level area on face and body** Mushroom Electrode - for performing electronic treatment on any points of the body to promote blood circulation*** FOR PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY! ***

High Frequency Base Unit * 5' Cord & 4-electrodes Review

My daughter has been struggling with teenage acne, and we've tried just about every cleanser, sonic cleansing device and topical cream out there with little improvement. I've had high frequency treatments as part of my salon facials and have always liked the results. I decided to buy this machine as it was in the middle range in terms of prices, and seemed like a good introductory machine.

After only 2 days of usage, the difference in my daughter's skin is incredible. I'd almost use the term "miraculous"; she is calling it her "magic wand". My husband, who had never heard of a hf device, looked at it with extreme skepticism as I unpacked it. You could tell he thought I'd thrown money away on some quack product. Since he had a large pimple that had shown up hustle upper lip, I suggested he give it a try. He's not making fun of it now, having gotten rid of his quickly and looking at our daughter's results. If you are debating about whether it's worth spending money on a device like this, think no more. I only wish I had purchased one sooner!

The downsides of this particular device are two-fold: (1) it is fairly large. It's light weight, so it's easy to move, and the long cord is nice, but we had to clear out part of a big, deep drawer to find somewhere to store it. (2) The 4 glass electrodes came in a small cardboard box wrapped in bubble wrap. Fine packaging for shipping, but not a good long-term solution to store them. I'm going to need to find a good way to keep these fragile instruments separated and protected. It would have been nice if they had come in some type of case.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "High Frequency Base Unit * 5' Cord & 4-electrodes" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from High Frequency Base Unit * 5' Cord & 4-electrodes ...

Buy High Frequency Base Unit * 5' Cord & 4-electrodes Cheap

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