Thursday, November 1, 2012

Jones Stephens Corp. S95-703 Floweasy Professional Drain Opener (Pack of 12)

Jones Stephens Corp. S95-703 Floweasy Professional Drain Opener (Pack of 12)

Shock Sale Jones Stephens Corp. S95-703 Floweasy Professional Drain Opener (Pack of 12) very cheapYou looking to find the "Jones Stephens Corp. S95-703 Floweasy Professional Drain Opener (Pack of 12)" Good news! You can purchase Jones Stephens Corp. S95-703 Floweasy Professional Drain Opener (Pack of 12) with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Jones Stephens Corp. S95-703 Floweasy Professional Drain Opener (Pack of 12) On Sale

Price: $115.79 $108.99   Updated Price for Jones Stephens Corp. S95-703 Floweasy Professional Drain Opener (Pack of 12) now
Purchase Jones Stephens Corp. S95-703 Floweasy Professional Drain Opener (Pack of 12) low price

Product Feature

  • Quart
  • Floweasy Organic Drain Cleaner
  • Organic Digester
  • Dissolves Grease, Hair, Organic Matter, Sludge, Soap & Paper
  • Environmentally Responsible

Product Description

*** (This item sold as a pack of 12) ***
Floweasy fast acting professional strength buffered organic digester and liquid drain opener instantly dissolves, hair, grease, sludge, soap, paper, and any organic materials. Safe for use with metal and PVC pipes, septic tanks, stainless steel sinks, fiberglass tubs, toilets, and standing water. Virgin sulfuric acid with 12 buffers and inhibitors.

Jones Stephens Corp. S95-703 Floweasy Professional Drain Opener (Pack of 12) Review

I used this once a couple of years ago on a clogged drain in my house and it worked really well but the sulfuric acid aspect made me nervous so I put the rest on the top shelf and forgot about it. I just used the remaining bit in a drain that has been giving me trouble for over a year. Since the drain has been clogging I have used (listen to me people) EVERY brand of drain opener I could get my hands on in this drain and have gotten some results but nothing I would wright home about. This stuff destroyed the clog. I mean it obliterated it! It didn't make me quite as nervous this time as I was expecting the heat and vapor. Just read the directions carefully and don't do anything stupid with it and you'll be fine. You're clog on the other hand will be history!

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Jones Stephens Corp. S95-703 Floweasy Professional Drain Opener (Pack of 12)" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Jones Stephens Corp. S95-703 Floweasy Professional Drain Opener (Pack of 12) ...

Buy Jones Stephens Corp. S95-703 Floweasy Professional Drain Opener (Pack of 12) Cheap

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