Saturday, August 3, 2013

Baby Diego Bathinette Posh, Pearl

Baby Diego Bathinette Posh, Pearl

Shock Sale Baby Diego Bathinette Posh, Pearl very cheapYou looking to find the "Baby Diego Bathinette Posh, Pearl" Good news! You can purchase Baby Diego Bathinette Posh, Pearl with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Baby Diego Bathinette Posh, Pearl On Sale

Price: $129.00    Updated Price for Baby Diego Bathinette Posh, Pearl now
Purchase Baby Diego Bathinette Posh, Pearl low price

Product Feature

  • Bathtub and changer combo
  • Sturdiest in its class
  • One minute assembly
  • Conveniently folds for storage
  • Ergonomic tub for baby

Product Description

Baby Diego's premium posh bathinette offers the ultimate bathing and changing experience. The sturdiest and most durable in its class, the posh is Baby Diego's best folding model yet. Italian design, one minute assembly, it offers parents practicality at its best. No need to bend anymore, no more bathing baby in the kitchen sink. The Posh pampers both baby and parents. The changing pad includes a safety strap and is made of soft non toxic cushioned vinyl and the can be easily wiped clean.

Baby Diego Bathinette Posh, Pearl Review

I purchased this tub because I was starting to experience back pain when bathing my 11 week old. A few things:


1) the height is great. i can stand comfortably and bathe my child, and i am 5'6. no more back pain!

2) the trays are awesome! i can put her lotions and washes in the side trays and her towel and clothes in the bottom tray. its nice to have everything within reach and organized.

3) the tub has indentations for the babys head and legs, but since my baby is still small, i also purchased a bath pad as a cushion. Leachco Safer Bather Infant Bath Pad, Blue Fish ([..]) works perfectly.

4) the changing table is really a nice feature. the only thing is that you have to pull it up slightly to unlock it,and its a little bit challenging to do with one hand while holding the baby with the other. However, after a few times, you'll get the hang of it.

1) warning- the pink model displayed is a different color than the one shipped! mine had a pale pink changer pad, and the rest of the stand and tray is beige! The picture displays a biege changer pad and hot pink trays (the reverse). This was still ok to me, but if you have your heart set on the colors in the picture, it isnt the same.

2) the drainer is useless to me. it is a small tube and it would take forever to drain. i just pop out the plastic tub and dump the water in my bath tub. i actually put the tube away in my closet for now, and just use the gray stopper it came with to cover the drain hole. To collapse the stand, you have to pop out the tub anyway, so dumping out the water at that time makes more sense.

3) its bulky, when open and collapsed. i thought i would be able to store it in my bathroom when collapsed, but it takes up too much room in my small bathroom. Since the plastic tub has to be removed when collapsed, you need to find a place to store both pieces.

4) Another reviewer mentioned, it does appear to be designed for a left handed person. The head rest is on the right side, instead of the left. It is a bit strange if I would have to hold my baby while bathing her, it feels "backwards". However, since I use the bath pad, both of my hands are free, so I can use my right hand to bathe my baby. It isnt a big issue with a bath pad.

5) You have to be careful to not pinch your fingers when you put the safety screws in place, each time that you open the stand.

Overall, I love this tub/changer combo, despite its bulkiness. If you are buying it to relieve back pain, it does the job! I'd recommend it for that case. I feel so much better now. Otherwise, if you dont have that problem, a simple baby bath tub that can be placed in the tub would do just fine.

update - My daughter is now 8 months old and since she can now sit up, I found that this tub really isnt as useful anymore now that I dont have to support her body to bath her. She is also squirmy and loves to move around, so the added height of the stand makes me more nervous now than it did before with a still baby. I actually just packed it away and Im solely using a inflatable bath tub from one step ahead that fits in our bath tub. My back doesnt hurt because Im not constantly holding her like before. So, Id only recommend this tub now for young babies.

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