Monday, August 26, 2013

Neera Natural Two Week Pack, the Improved Stanley Burroughs Master Cleanser Diet.

Neera Natural Two Week Pack, the Improved Stanley Burroughs Master Cleanser Diet.

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Neera Natural Two Week Pack, the Improved Stanley Burroughs Master Cleanser Diet. On Sale

Price: $109.95    Updated Price for Neera Natural Two Week Pack, the Improved Stanley Burroughs Master Cleanser Diet. now
Purchase Neera Natural Two Week Pack, the Improved Stanley Burroughs Master Cleanser Diet. low price

Product Feature

  • Neera Natural is the improved version of the famous Stanley Burroughs Master Cleanser diet.
  • Features Madal Bal Syrup a better choice than maple syrup, making the diet easier and improving results.
  • The two week kit includes everything needed to do the diet for 10-14 days except lemon juice.
  • It includes, 2 liter cans of Madal Bal Syrup, 1 Neera 68 page instructional booklets. 2 boxs of Neera-Lax organic herbal laxative tea , 1 packets of organic cayenne pepper, and two packets of Himalayan Sea Salt.
  • This is the diet made famous by Beyonce and other celebrities.

Product Description

Cleanse your body and lose excess weight with the diet made famous by Beyonce and other celebrities. This is the improved version of the Stanley Burroughs Master Cleanser diet featuring Madal Bal Syrup. - Madal Bal Syrup is a special blend of grade C Canadian maple syrup and palm syrups from South Asia. Madal Bal Syrup is formulated specifically for the diet. It is more nutritious and makes the diet easier and improves results. - The Neera Natural Two Week Kit includes everything needed to do the diet for 10 - 14 days except lemon juice. It includes, 2 liter cans of Madal Bal Syrup, 1 Neera 68 page instructional booklets. 2 boxs of Neera-Lax organic herbal laxative tea , 1 packets of organic cayenne pepper, and two packets of Himalayan Sea Salt. For more information please visit our web site by cutting and pasting the following link:

Neera Natural Two Week Pack, the Improved Stanley Burroughs Master Cleanser Diet. Review

A colleague of mine had mentioned how great this product was and therefore I decided to give it a shot, given I needed to lose some weight in a short period of time.
I did the 10 days program and I have to say, the first 2 days were pretty tough as I experienced some cleansing symptoms (massive headache and vomiting).
After the first 2 days, I sailed through this diet. The mix is delicious (think of a lemonade sweetened with brown sugar!!). It took away my hunger which was the most impressive thing. I even had enough syrup for an extra day so I did the program for 11 days instead. I lost 1 pound per day and I am still losing. This product has reeducated me on eating as now I think 3 times before eating any junk and will eat everything in moderation since my stomach has changed and cant take much anymore.

It's been 1 week since I finished the program and I am feeling and looking great! I highly recommend this! Total weight loss so far: 13 pounds!

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Neera Natural Two Week Pack, the Improved Stanley Burroughs Master Cleanser Diet." are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Neera Natural Two Week Pack, the Improved Stanley Burroughs Master Cleanser Diet. ...

Buy Neera Natural Two Week Pack, the Improved Stanley Burroughs Master Cleanser Diet. Cheap

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