Sunday, October 6, 2013

cPrime Neo (White/ Frost, Women's)

cPrime Neo (White/ Frost, Women's)

Shock Sale cPrime Neo (White/ Frost, Women's) very cheapYou looking to find the "cPrime Neo (White/ Frost, Women's)" Good news! You can purchase cPrime Neo (White/ Frost, Women's) with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

cPrime Neo (White/ Frost, Women's) On Sale

Price: $110.00 $105.00   Updated Price for cPrime Neo (White/ Frost, Women's) now
Purchase cPrime Neo (White/ Frost, Women's) low price

Product Feature

  • Performance Band
  • EMF Protection
  • Patent Approved

Product Description

What is cPRIME?cPRIME is a performance bracelet that acts as a bio-antenna for your body. Helps align and re-direct the interruption in your body's natural balance caused from cell phone radiation, wifi environments, poor hydration and nutrition, etc., cPRIME may help increase strength, balance, flexibility, endurance and overall performance.cPRIME is the only company with an accepted UTILITY patent. cPRIME is the only company that has protected the FUNCTION of their technology. Competitors have only filed for design patents proving no true function or utility to their products.Science Behind cPRIMEThe technology inside cPRIME consists of a patent antenna array that is designed to absorb, redirect, and balance the electromagnetic energy around the human body.When the electromagnetic field is in proper balance, it supports the functioning of every system in the body. When the field is out of balance, the body cannot function at peak levels. cPRIME is designed to restore balance, enabling peak performance and a subsequent improvement in overall well-being.TerminologyAntenna Array - In basic terms, an antenna is an apparatus that receives and redirects signals. cPRIME technology consists of a patent-pending antenna array, designed to both receive and redirect the electromagnetic energy that surrounds the human body.Energy Field - The human body's basic functions generate and are sustained by electric charges. This energy is manifested in electromagnetic fields that surround the entire body. An electrocardiogram (or EKG) is an illustration of the strongest of these fields, generated by the heart.Imbalance - Stress and injury impair the functioning of the body, thus creating imbalance in its electromagnetic field. Beyond these factors, the environment can also play a significant role. High intensity EMF radiation damages basic cell structure. Mounting evidence indicates that low-intensity EMF radiation also has a negative impact on the human body.

cPrime Neo (White/ Frost, Women's) Review

i sized it the way I wanted it. using it the same way as my last one.It was fast and easy service

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "cPrime Neo (White/ Frost, Women's)" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from cPrime Neo (White/ Frost, Women's) ...

Buy cPrime Neo (White/ Frost, Women's) Cheap

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