Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Scream Tattoo Ink 43-pack Set 1-oz Bottles -Tattoo Supplies-

Scream Tattoo Ink 43-pack Set 1-oz Bottles -Tattoo Supplies-

Shock Sale Scream Tattoo Ink 43-pack Set 1-oz Bottles -Tattoo Supplies- very cheapYou looking to find the "Scream Tattoo Ink 43-pack Set 1-oz Bottles -Tattoo Supplies-" Good news! You can purchase Scream Tattoo Ink 43-pack Set 1-oz Bottles -Tattoo Supplies- with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Scream Tattoo Ink 43-pack Set 1-oz Bottles -Tattoo Supplies- On Sale

Price: $115.00    Updated Price for Scream Tattoo Ink 43-pack Set 1-oz Bottles -Tattoo Supplies- now
Purchase Scream Tattoo Ink 43-pack Set 1-oz Bottles -Tattoo Supplies- low price

Product Feature

  • 43 Full Complete Colors
  • Bright and Vibrant Colors
  • Easy Application
  • Ink colors are mixable

Product Description

Scream Ink 43-Pack Complete SetAll Bottles are 1-ozColor listed in the Image

Scream Tattoo Ink 43-pack Set 1-oz Bottles -Tattoo Supplies- Review

All the ink was there when it arrived yesterday as expected. However when I opened the box and took the bag containing all the ink bottles out of the ship bad I noticed there was orange ink spilled out inside of the bag. At first I thought maybe the postal service had been rough with the box and the ink bottle had busted. But there were no dints or any kind of markings on the actual box. I opened up the bag (after taking photos of the ink spilled inside the taped shut clear bag) started pulling out ink bottles and caps. Some of the ink bottles were missing there black screw caps and already had the clear nozzle caps placed on the bottles which makes me wonder if I'm getting someones slightly used ink. when I pulled out the bottle of orange ink there was no damage to the bottle the black screw cap was loose. I have ordered alot of ink before and there is always a seal under the cap. there was no seal and the cap wasn't even on tight. Which once again makes me wonder if I have received slightly used ink and if this ink will even be safe to use on my clients, friends, and myself. I am very unpleasing with this and frankly even for the great price, what I received was not worth what I paid for this ink. some of the bottles even had the wrong color label sticker on the bottles. for example a bottle of blue labeled as some kinda yellow or something. I cant recall right now. I urge anyone thinking about ordering this ink set to think again. just save up some extra cash and order a more expensive set. And I for one demand an abundance of proof that this company is even slightly legit in the industry of body modification for this kind of screwy ignorant display of a shipment.

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