Mommy/Delivery BFFLBag®

Product Feature
- lightweight, stain resistant duffel
- Toiletries Pack (everything from a earplugs, to toothbrush to a nailcare kit)
- Perineal ice packs with hygienic sleeves
- Soft, washable nursing pads
- Axilla·Pilla® pillow for recovery and nursing support
Product Description
Bring this ultimate hospital bag with you when you are ready to deliver. The Mommy/Delivery Bffl Bag is chock full of everything you'll need to recover -- incision care, perineal ice packs (they're reusable!), soft, washable nursing pads, a bracing pillow, skin care, toiletries that don't require a sink, and much more.BFFL Co founder Dr. Elizabeth Chabner Thompson has delivered hundred of babies by both C-section and traditional birth, and is a mother of four herself. She is keenly aware - both personally and professionally - that during the critical period right after birth, when maternal instincts take over and place the focus on the comfort and health of the baby, sometimes the needs of the mother fall by the wayside.Whether you are having a C-section or regular delivery, this Bffl BagTM will help take care of you, so you can take care of your baby.Mommy/Delivery BFFLBag® Review
The bag is adorable. I love how bright and cheerful this bag is. It is also made of lightweight stain resistant fabric and has metal feet to keep the bag off the floor. This little bag will definitely be getting used again.I am all about the axillapilla pillow! It is soft and more flexible than any other pillow I own, so that it fits under my arm when breastfeeding or in the small of my back when working through a contraction. It is probably my favorite item in the Mommy/Delivery BFFL Bag.
I was not allowed to eat or drink anything but ice chips during my labor, and as a result was starving and shaky about an hour after my delivery. The KIND Healthy Snack Bar was a nice treat to find in my BFFL Bag and it was able to tide me over until I could eat a full meal.
Something to be aware of is the fact that the Mommy/Deliver BFFL Bag comes with a dry shampoo, so if you are planning on taking a shower at the hospital and want traditional shampoo and conditioner you will need to add that to your bag. Aside from that, it has everything {socks, flip flops, pads, water bottle, brush... the list goes on}.
Having this bag took the stress of packing for the hospital. I was given a sample of this bag for the purposes of a blog review on Mom Mart, I am sharing my thoughts and opinions here as well. This is a great bag and would make a wonderful gift for any mom to be!
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Mommy/Delivery BFFLBag®" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Mommy/Delivery BFFLBag® ...

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