Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Taislim by FreeLife International 4 1-Liter Bottles

Taislim by FreeLife International 4 1-Liter Bottles

Shock Sale Taislim by FreeLife International 4 1-Liter Bottles very cheapYou looking to find the "Taislim by FreeLife International 4 1-Liter Bottles" Good news! You can purchase Taislim by FreeLife International 4 1-Liter Bottles with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Taislim by FreeLife International 4 1-Liter Bottles On Sale

Price: $114.99    Updated Price for Taislim by FreeLife International 4 1-Liter Bottles now
Purchase Taislim by FreeLife International 4 1-Liter Bottles low price

Taislim by FreeLife International 4 1-Liter Bottles Review

I received this product quickly from the seller above they have great shipping... the problem I have is the product is expired... Taislim comes in a white bottle now not a red bottle...the red bottles were changed to white back in Feb 2012... For people that have never bought or know anything about this product you wouldn't know this... I myself had no clue as I have never tried it I was just trying to cut costs and get it cheaper if I could... I have a close friend that is on this product and she gets it shipped right from the makers of the Taislim... When I got this product it had no expiry date on it.. I looked everywhere for it.. So I asked my friend if hers had an expiry date.. she told me where to find it but it wasn't on mine.. So I went over to compare bottles her bottle is white mine was red yes it has a white label but the bottle itself is red... I looked on the back... The writing on the back was different.. I opened the bottle and smelled her bottle then mine and mine smelt bad... I dumped some of hers in a glass and dumped some of the product I received in a glass hers was browny red but clear mine was mud looking and thicker... So just a heads up... the red bottle is old the white bottle is new... Yes the seller gave me full refund which was great but continuing on selling a product that is expired is not great and could hurt someone if they drank bad stuff.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Taislim by FreeLife International 4 1-Liter Bottles" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Taislim by FreeLife International 4 1-Liter Bottles ...

Buy Taislim by FreeLife International 4 1-Liter Bottles Cheap

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